Canley Vale Public School Preschool Philosophy
Our Place
Canley Vale Public School Preschool was built in 1978 with a vision to strengthen early childhood learning opportunities for the children and families in the Canley Vale area.
Since 1978 the walls of our preschool have witnessed generations of families belonging, learning and growing into individuals who are active members of the community.
As our preschool is an extension of the school, most of our families live locally. This provides convenient access to our quality early childhood service and to the primary school. We work in partnership with the school to support our children and their families to experience a smooth transition into kindergarten.
Our Beliefs
The Principles, Practices and Outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework: Belonging, Being, Becoming and the National Quality Framework are the foundations of our teaching and learning.
We acknowledge the uniqueness of our children and their families, and we understand that they come from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and with varying abilities, interests, strengths, and experiences. Strong partnerships are formed by working closely with the school community (including but not limited to the Community Liaison Officers, Community Language Teachers, School as Community Centre, the Kindergarten Staff, and Executive Team), other professionals (including the School Counsellor, the Learning and Support Team, the Speech Therapists) and other outside agencies. We value the importance of forming positive relationships with our families and the children. We understand that by working together with all stakeholders we create a positive, safe, friendly and welcoming environment where everyone feels they belong and that the children are provided with the best early learning opportunities.
Our teaching and learning programs are based on collective professional expertise and knowledge of early childhood pedagogies. We are continually engaging in professional development based on current early childhood education research and best practice.
Our daily routines are centred on intentional teaching, spontaneous moments and the children’s individual goals, interests, strengths, abilities and experiences. Educators hold high expectations for each child and promote these in programs, through teaching and learning practices and sustained shared conversations.
We develop our knowledge of each individual child through conversations with their family, our interactions and observations of the child, professional collegial conversations, reflections, and information from professionals.
The ECA Code of Ethics and the Principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (non-discrimination, best interests of the child, the right to survival and development and respect the views of the child) is the backbone of our understanding and practice. We understand and reflect on our ethical responsibilities and decision making toward the children and their families. We provide teaching and learning programs that enable all children from all cultures and communities to identify as Australians within a democratic, multicultural society.
All our educators are qualified and experienced, and strive to provide a safe, caring, open-ended, play-based learning environment.
Our Commitment
We strive to build a foundation for lifelong learning.
We achieve this by supporting children’s agency. We teach and support our children to be resilient, independent and to learn skills in self-regulating their emotions and behaviours. Our teaching practices motivate and encourage our children to be social, confident, curious, creative and critical thinkers.
We value and listen to each child’s voice, opinion and ideas and include these in aspects of our preschool.
We believe it is important to develop trusting relationships with our families that are based on equity and inclusivity, and we model this as a team. Together, we share the nurturing and education of their child.
We are committed to our own professional learning journey. We continuously identify our own areas of interest, strength, and further development. We work hard to remain current in our practice, and to improve and further our knowledge and skills.
Our Intentions for Action
Our Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) and our local procedures are working documents that encourage us to critically reflect on, identify and implement on-going improvements.
These areas include:
· educational program and practice
· children’s health and safety
· physical environment
· staffing arrangements
· relationships with children
· collaborative partnerships with families and communities
· governance and leadership
· Department of Education policies
· Canley Vale Public School Preschool Local Procedures
· Canley Vale Public School Local Procedures
All stakeholders work together to reflect on and make the identified improvements needed to make Canley Vale Public School Preschool the high-quality early childhood service that it is.